我父亲的花园”是一个2019年获得著名奖项Prix Elysée的项目。路易斯•卡洛斯•托瓦尔是新一代拉美摄影师的一员,他们以国际化的视觉语言触及当地问题。这本书是Luis Carlos Tovar和Nicolas Rouvière以精彩的顺序和摄影书中少见的编辑关怀共同完成的版本。1980年2月20日,Jaime Tovar被哥伦比亚武装革命军(FARC)绑架,被迫在哥伦比亚亚马逊热带雨林中流浪数月。他的儿子路易斯•卡洛斯,也就是本书的作者,当时只有几个月大。游击队的战士们将一张俘虏的宝丽来照片寄给了他的家人,证明他还活着。这个项目从寻找那张不确定真假的照片开始,但它反映了一个重新发现的过程,这个过程超越了这件事本身。 The book Jardín de mi padre by Colombian artist Luis Carlos Tovar draws on the idea of post-memory as an exercise in the imaginative reconstruction of lived experience, as a therapy spanning generations that gives voice to what has been marginalized and produces new empathies with the past. Jardín de mi padre is the project that won the prestigious prize Prix Elysée in 2019. Luis Carlos Tovar is part of a new generation of Latin American photographers who touch on local issues with an international visual language. The book is an edition made between Luis Carlos Tovar and Nicolas Rouvière in a masterful sequence and an editorial care that is rarely seen in photobooks. On 20 February 1980, Jaime Tovar was abducted by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) and forced to wander for months through the tropical rainforest of the Colombian Amazonia. His son Luis Carlos, the author of this book, was just a few months old at the time.The guerilla fighters sent a Polaroid snapshot of their captive to his family as a proof that he was still alive.This project starts from the search for that uncertain photograph, but it reflects a process of rediscovery that transcends the event in itself. It is a poetic exercise that speaks of our finitude and contingent nature, that explores the legacy of the past as our only mode of survival.The absence of this fetish photograph activates a performative visual essay that has recourse to the mechanisms of appropriation and collage in order to remove autobiographical and documentary photography from their conventional frameworks.
Publisher:RM/Musée de l’Elysée (Sept. 22 2020) Language:English Hardcover:240 pages ISBN-10:8417975381 ISBN-13:978-8417975388 Item Weight:998 g Dimensions:20.96 x 3.18 x 29.21 cm