004_ The architect and his work: an interview with Juan M. Otxotorena 008_ Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center, Alicante 022_ New building in El Redín High School, Pamplona 030_ Coas Offices and Headquarters, Loiu 036_ University Hospital, Madrid 050_ School of Economics and Business Administration, Pamplona 074_ Town Hall in Sarriguren, Egüés Valley 088_ Tudela Courts, Navarra 094_ Water Treatment Station, Benidorm 100_ AquavoxHydrothemal Center, Pamplona 122_ Shrine in Alberite, La Rioja 134_ New buildings in Erain High School, Irún 142_ 55 social dwellings, Sarriguren 148_ Lorenzo House, Gorráiz 156_ Church in Pamplona, Navarra 168_ 36 sheltered homes, La Nucía, Alicante 180_ Nursing home in Miramón, San Sebastián 190_ Kindergarten, Tafalla 202_ Nursing home in Bétera, Valencia 216_ New Seat of the Parliament of Navarra, Pamplona 238_ Miravalles High School, CizurMenor 254_ Sport Pavilion, Olazagutía 260_ Conditioning of the Cloisters of León Cathedral, León