Lina Bo Bardi(1914-92)是二十世纪最多产和最有远见的建筑师之一,她在意大利墨索里尼的法西斯政权下长大,二战后移居巴西。她在墨索里尼的法西斯政权下的意大利长大,二战后移民到巴西,她倡导建筑和设计的力量来拥抱日常生活。她大胆的现代主义设计,从混凝土和玻璃结构,如圣保罗艺术博物馆和文化休闲中心SESC Pompéia,到家具和珠宝。这本书是第一本研究她的生活和工作中私密和具表现力的特点之一,但她很少与公众分享--绘画。
The first authoritative collection of drawings by legendary modern architect Lina Bo Bardi
Lina Bo Bardi (1914–92) was one of the most prolific and visionary architects of the twentieth century. Raised in Italy under Mussolini’s Fascist regime and emigrating to Brazil after World War II, she championed the power of architecture and design to embrace everyday life. Her boldly modernist designs range from concrete-and-glass structures like the S?o Paulo Museum of Art and the culture and leisure center SESC Pompéia to furniture and jewelry. This is the first book to examine one of the most intimate and expressive features of her life and work, but one she rarely shared with the public―drawing.