Brande dorothea:-美国作家,讲师和杂志编辑 dorothea brande 是伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 frederick s. 和 alice p. thompson 的五个孩子中最小的。爱丽丝 · 多萝西娅 · 奥尔登 · 汤普森1892年1月12日出生于芝加哥的恩格尔伍德。她的父母都来自缅因州,之前住在特拉华州,她三个最大的兄弟姐妹就出生在那里。她父亲是芝加哥地区一家公司的经理。Brande 进入了密歇根大学和芝加哥大学,在前者获得了美国大学优等生荣誉学位。她后来在芝加哥当了一名报社记者,后来在 h.l. 门肯和乔治. 简. 内森时期,担任美国水星杂志的发行经理。在20世纪30年代,她成为了 bookman 杂志的副主编,后来的继任者是1934年的《美国评论》。在接下来的几年里,brande 还将经营一个全国性的函授学校,为有抱负的作家和巡回演讲提供服务。1916年,她嫁给了同为芝加哥报社记者的 herbert brande。赫伯特后来作为一个社论作家,获得了一些名声。他们的婚姻在1930年前的某个时候以离婚告终。1936年,她嫁给了苏厄德 · b · 柯林斯(seward b. collins,1899-1952) ,当时他是《美国评论》的编辑。她写于大萧条时期的励志书《觉醒吧,活下去》(wake up and live,1936)成为畅销书,也是她最成功的一本书。她也是《成为一名作家》(1934)、《最美丽的女人》(1935)、《给菲利帕的信》(1937)、《我无敌的姑姑》(1938)等书的作者。
Brande, Dorothea: - American author, lecturer and magazine editor, Dorothea Brande, was the youngest of five children born to Frederick S. and Alice P. Thompson of Chicago, Illinois. Alice Dorothea Alden Thompson was born in Englewood, a Chicago community, on 12 January, 1892. Both of her parents were originally from Maine and had previously lived in Delaware where her three oldest siblings were born. Her father was employed as a manager at local business in the Chicago area. Brande attended the Universities of Michigan and Chicago, earning her Phi Beta Kappa key at the former. She went on to work as a newspaper reporter in Chicago and later as circulation manager for American Mercury magazine during the time of H.L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan. In the 1930s she became an associate editor of Bookman magazine and later its successor (1934), the American Review. In the years to come Brande would also operate a nationwide correspondence school for aspiring writers and tour on the lecture circuit. In 1916 she married fellow Chicago newspaper reporter Herbert Brande. Herbert would later gain some notoriety as an editorial writer. Their marriage ended in divorce sometime before 1930. In 1936 she married Seward B. Collins (1899-1952), who at the time was American Review's editor. Her inspirational book, 'Wake Up and Live' (1936) was written during the Great Depression and was a best seller and her most successful book. She was also the author of 'Becoming a Writer' (1934), 'Most Beautiful Lady' (1935), 'Letters to Philippa' (1937), 'My Invincible Aunt' (1938) and others.