在这个鼓舞人心的指南,杰拉尔丁詹姆斯,所有美丽事物的资深收藏家,告诉你如何组织和展示你珍藏的收藏品,以庆祝他们的独特性和你的创造力。古怪物品的收集可以照亮一个小角落,而青少年的卧室将立即转变时,囤积的体育纪念品,使一个大胆的,聪明的安排从地板到墙上的飞跃。寻找不寻常的空间和物品:将一系列主题印花画排列在画轨上方,在壁炉上方以宏伟的风格摆放成堆的花卉瓷盘,或者简单地在展台上加一面镜子,立即在其图像中创造另一个。一章一章地,探索如何从零开始安排几乎所有的东西,重新安排你珍藏的收藏品以达到最佳效果,并开始一段进入颜色、纹理和主题的旅程,以创造优雅的展示,赋予一个家的特点和魅力。从乌贼墨家族照片的记忆墙到诙谐的媚俗艺术收藏,这本聪明的指南展示了如何创造一个能给生活带来任何空间的外观。 Any wall is the perfect place for a display, whatever its size, shape, or style.
In this inspirational guide, Geraldine James, veteran collector of all things beautiful, shows you ways to organize and display your treasured collections to celebrate their uniqueness and your creativity. Collections of quirky items can illuminate a little corner, whereas a teenager’s bedroom will transform instantly when hoarded sports memorabilia makes the leap from the floor to the wall in a bold, clever arrangement. Look for unusual spaces and items: line up a series of themed prints above a picture rail, set heaps of floral china plates in grand style above the fireplace or simply add a mirror into a display to instantly create another in its image. Chapter by chapter, discover how to arrange virtually anything from scratch, rearrange the collections you treasure to best effect and begin a journey into color, textures, and themes to create elegant displays that give a home character and charm. From a memory wall of sepia family photographs to witty collections of kitsch art, this clever guide shows how to create a look that will bring any space to life.