A nose for digging? Ears that SEE? Eyes that SQUIRT BLOOD!??!Explore the many AMAZING things that animals can do with theirears, eyes, mouths, noses, feet, and, yes, tails in thisinteractive, award-winning picture book. 大象的鼻子可以喷水洗澡,蝙蝠的耳朵可以用来侦察,角蜥的眼睛可以喷血,猴子的脚可以用来那东西…… 本书获得凯迪克银奖。这是一本没有具体故事情节的书,然而以提问的方式带出各种动物身体不同部位对于他们的独特功能。是一本极好的科普认知图书。
Robin Page lives in Boulder, Colorado, with her husband andcollaborator, Steve Jenkins, and their three children. Along withwriting and illustrating children's books, Steve and Robin run agraphic design studio.