作者 William Hooks(威廉·胡克斯) 著;Charles Robinson(查尔斯·罗宾逊) 绘
出版社 Random House Children's Books
出版时间 1988-10
ISBN 9780394820385
定价 40.20元
装帧 平装
纸张 胶版纸
页数 64页
正文语种 英语
Nine-year-old Kate Purdy is traveling from Missouri to Oregon by wagon train, and she’s worried about Snuggs—the pretty little cat who took a shine to her and decided to come along for the ride even though there are no pets allowed on the wagon train. No matter what happens, Snuggs the cat has to stay a secret!
William H. Hooks has written over 40 other books for children, including The Legend of the Christmas Rose and The Mighty Sante Fe.
William H. Hooks is a published author and an illustrator of children's books. Some of the published credits of William H. Hooks include Pioneer Cat (Stepping Stone Chapter Books (Library)), MR. Big Brother.