内容简介: 故事以小学生杨歌的口吻,讲述了他和变成拇指大小的爸爸一系列奇妙的经历,解读了父亲和孩子两代人间的情感沟通。杨歌爸爸因为事业不成功,天天被妈妈骂。妈妈每骂一次,爸爸的身高就会缩小一些,最后变得只有拇指大小,每天都装在杨歌的口袋里,跟他一起上学,成了“装在口袋里的爸爸”。爸爸变小后发生了许多神奇的事情:“未卜先知”,假扮上帝感化小偷,假扮马戏团长宽慰绝症女孩,本色出演《新格列佛游记》,做客榕树中的小人儿世界,惊险的“国际旅行”,勇斗歹徒……整部作品在引人发笑的同时也发人深省。 Dad in My Pocket tells in Yang Ge’s tone about a series of fantastic experiences of him and his thumb-sized father. Being unsuccessful in his career, Yang Ge’s father was scolded by his mother day in and day out. Each scolding would make him shrink a little and finally became the size of a thumb. He was carried every where in Yang Ge’s pocket to keep him under surveillance and hence the name “Dad in my pocket”. Many mysterious things happened: Yang Ge’s father once foretold an accident, pretended to be God to convert a thief, acted as a circus dire ... 目录: 《口袋里的爸爸》 一 爸爸为什么会变小 009 二 变小之后的爸爸是怎么生活的? 013 三 大海航行靠舵手 018 四 爸爸当足球教练 023 五 未卜先知 028 六 上帝的电话 037 七 拾金不昧 047 八 魔术师 061 九 我的偶像 073 十 演艺生涯 078 十一 明星梦破灭 087 十二 山上的小人族 096 十三 榕树里的世界 113 十四 爸爸失踪了 124 十五 海上历险 134 十六 电视英雄 146 《口袋里的爸爸:英文版》 1 How Did Dad Shrink? 006 2 What Was Dad’s Life Like After He Shrank? 010 3 Dad the Navigator 014 4 Dad the Soccer Coach 019 5 Predictable 024 6 A Phone Call from God 032 7 Doing the Right Thing 042 8 The Magician 049 9 My Role Model 062 10 The Life of an Actor 067 11 The Death of a Dream 076 12 The Little People on the Mountain 085 13 The World Inside the Banyan Tree 094 14 Dad’s Disappearance 106 15 Underwater Adventure 117 16 The Hero on TV 130