How to Win Friends and Influence People was first published in 1937 in an edition of only five thousand copies. Neither Dale Carnegie nor the publishers, Simon and Schuster, anticipated more than this modest sale. To their amazement, the book became an overnight sensation, and edition after edition rolled off the presses to keep up with the increasing public demand. How to Win Friends and Influence People took its place in publishing history as one of the all-time international best-sellers. It touched a nerve and filled a human need that was more than a faddish phenomenon of post-depression days, as evidenced by its continued and uninterrupted sales into the eighties, almost half a century later. Dale Carnegie used to say that it was easier to make a million dollars than to put a phrase into the English language. How to Win Friends and Influence People became such a phrase, quoted, paraphrased, parodied, used in innumerable contexts from political cartoons to novels. The book itself was translated into almost every known written language. Each generation has discovered it anew and has found it relevant. Which brings us to the logical question: Why revise a book that has proven and continues to prove its vigorous and unive ... 目录: CONTENTS Preface to Revised Edition……………………………………….…… 1 How This Book Was Written—And Why… …………….…………… 4 Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most Out of This Book .............12
PART ONE Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 1. “If You Want to Gather Honey, Don’t Kick Over the Beehive”….… 3 2. The Big Secret of Dealing with People… ……………………..…...19 3. “He Who Can Do This Has the Whole World with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way”……………………………………..…...33
PART TWO Six Ways to Make People Like You 1. Do This and You’ll Be Welcome Anywhere………………….…......57 2. A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression………………..…..71 3. If You Don’t Do This, You Are Headed for Trouble………………...80 4. An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist…………...…....90 5. How to Interest People… …… ...