作者简介: 魏红心,女,厦门大学教育研究院教育史专业博士研究生,1985年9月出生于福建省泉州市鲤城区,曾于2009年9月到英国爱丁堡大学莫雷教育学院留学,获得理学硕士学位。在多种刊物上发表数篇学术论文,主要从事教育史、通识教育、高等教育学理论和课程研究。 内容简介: This dissertation is a pilot study on"Curriculum for Excellence" from an independent girls' school in Edinburgh.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten teachers from an independent girls' school with the purpose to identify their views on this new curriculum development.Findings suggest that teachers are struggling with ambivalence before they are sure what the next stage will be.The perceived vagueness toward assessment for "Curriculum for Excellence" is a big concem for most teachers in that school,which has to some extent caused uncertainty and anxiety among some teachers.Although they have realized the importance of communication between other coUeagues within and outside the school,time is unavailable for them.They are expecting more tangible support from the govemment in terms of assessment and more detailed guidelines. 目录: Acknowledgements
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definitions of Curriculum
2.2 Characteristics of Curriculum
2.3 Impact of Curriculum Frameworks upon Teachers
2.4 Cumculum Implementation
Chapter Three Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Doing Pilot Studies