内容简介: 《中国外交》(2017年英文版平装)由外交部政策规划司组织编撰,全书深入分析2016靠前形势发展演变,全面介绍中国外交多方面、宽领域、多层次推进的丰硕成果,集中展现靠前舞台上的中国智慧、中国作用,是系统阐述中国外交的用书。 目录: Chapter 1 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN 2016 1 An Overview (1) The world economy had a difficult and protracted recovery amid profound hanges (2) International balance of power continued its shift from the west to the east (3) Traditional and non-traditional security threats were complex and interwoven (4) Populism and extremist ideologies were on the rise 2 Regional Situation (1) Asia (2) The Situation in West Asia and North Africa (3) Sub-Sah ...