作者简介: 剑桥大学出版社:出版剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部的各类考试(包括雅思)历届考试真题的专享官方出版社,已出版“剑桥雅思真题集”系列以及《剑桥雅思官方指南》等众多官方备考书籍。剑桥大学外语考试部(Cambridge English Language Assessment):隶属于世界有名的教育测评机构和语言能力评估机构剑桥大学考试委员会(Cambridge Assessment)。剑桥大学考试委员会成立于1858年,是世界上享有盛名的考试机构,也是英国历史最久、考试业务规模优选的考试机构,在130个国家提供一系列的学术、职业和技能的证书考试。剑桥大学外语考试部的考试项目在世界范围内得到了移民机构、政府、教育机构及企业的广泛认可。 主编推荐:
精彩内容: The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. These Practice Tests are designed to give future IELTS candidates an idea of whether their English is at the required level.IELTS is owned by three partners, Cambridge English Language Assessment, part of the University of Cambridge, the British Council and IDP Education Pty Limited (through its subsidiary company, IELTS Australia Pty Limited). Further information on IELTS can be found on the IELTS website www.ielts.org.WHAT IS THE TEST FORMAT?IELTS consists of four components. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking tests. There is a choice of Reading and Writ ... 内容简介: 准备任何一门考试,关键就是要研究真题:只有了解考试考什么,才知道怎么去准备。《剑桥雅思官方真题集12:培训类》由雅思考试命题方出品,是官方出版的相当具有参考价值的雅思备考资料。书中含有4套完整的培训类雅思全真试题,并提供习题解答和听力录音文本,写作部分提供考生作文及考官点评,非常适合考生自学。此外,书中还包含对各种题型的全面介绍、对剑桥大学考试委员会采用的评分系统的解析以及可供下载的听力录音材料。本书所有资料均由剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部提供,是培训类雅思考生备考过程中必不可少的参考书。 目录: Introduction Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Audioscripts Listening and Reading Answer Keys Sample answers for Writing tasks Sample answer sheets Acknowledgements