作者简介: 陈可冀,中国科学院资历院士,国医大师,第七、八、九届全国政协委员,全国杰出专业技术人才,中国中医科学院首席研究员及终身研究员,香港浸会大学及澳门科技大学荣誉博士,长期从事心血管病与老年医学临床研究。现任中央保健委员会专家顾问委员会成员,中国科协荣誉委员,中华医学会及中国医师协会常务理事,中国药典委员会执委,中国中西医结合学会名誉会长,中国老年学学会名誉会长,中国医师协会中西医结合医师分会会长。北京大学医学部兼职教授,首都医科大学中西医结合学系学术委员会主任,世界中医药学会联合会不错专家顾问委员会。 内容简介: 陈可冀院士历年来在靠前期刊上发表的精选英文论文100篇左右。按照"血瘀证与活血化瘀"、"老年医学"、"清代宫廷医学研究"、"医学人文"、"杂选"等将其发表的英文论文合集出版。陈可冀院士历年来在靠前期刊上发表的精选英文论文100篇左右。按照"血瘀证与活血化瘀"、"老年医学"、"清代宫廷医学研究"、"医学人文"、"杂选"等将其发表的英文论文合集出版。 摘要: My Integrative Medicine Life
Selected Papers by Keji Chen
Views and insights
My 60 Years of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Integration
CHEN Ke-ji
Great Gratitude to the Mentors of the Profession
My father used to take me when I was small to consult Chinese medical practitioners whenever I was sick. My rhinitis was treated with magnolia flowers and other herbs. The prescriptions were written in such an elegant calligraphy style that left a profound impression on me. The cure was effective without me knowing why as was the lasting question in the Chinese poem which literally asked “children unaware ... 目录: Table of Contents Foreword Views and Insights 1.My 60 Years of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Integration 003 2.Thanks for Your Accompanying in the Journey of lntegrative Medicine-Strength and Confidence from the Predecessors of Chinese Medical Association 009 3.Historical Responsibility and Great Trust of the Times-Review and Outlook of 60 Years of lntegrative Medicine Clinical Sciences 013 4.Where Are We Going? 016 5.Profiles of Traditional Chinese Medicine&nbs ...