目录: 第一卷 开 始 飞鸟集/6 流萤集/16 园丁集/24 新月集/28 The Beginning/开始 28 Vocation/职业 32 Baby's Way/孩童之道 34 The Judge/审判官 38 吉檀迦利/40 Innocence/无知 40 The Voice/你的声音 42 The Wayside Where Shadow Chases Light/影逐光的地方 44 Your Pour/你的倾注 46 Drunk with the Joy of Singing/在歌唱中陶醉 48 My Heart Longs to Join in Thy Song/我的心渴望与你合唱 50 Come Out of Thy Meditations/从静坐中走出来罢 52 Light, Oh Where Is the Light?/灯火,灯火在哪里呢? 54 Where Dost Thou Stand Behind Them All/你站在大家背后 56 He Comes, Comes/他正在走来,走来 60 Beautiful Is Thy Wristlet/你的手镯真是美丽 62 A Kingly Jest/一个天大的玩笑 64 It Is Time to Sit Quite/静坐的时光 66 When I Thy to Bow to Thee/我想向你鞠躬 68 I Kept Her in My Heart/我将她深藏于心 70 ...