内容简介: 本书专门针对当代大学生的独特性,一方面为大家习得英语、快速提高英语水平打造一个良好的平台,让大家更好地学习英语语言、熟悉英美文学、了解英美文化,于轻松的语言学习中增加对英语国家历史、地理、政治、文学、艺术、科学、教育、经济、体育、娱乐、节日、习俗、礼仪、宗教、神话等各方面的多方面了解;另一方面,为了让大家在有限的时间内突破语言和技能两大难关,加强复习备考的针对性,提高英语应用能力。并在大学英语四、六级考试中取得高分,我们有针对性地编排了有关复习备考的内容,从而帮助大家增强自信、取得成功。 摘要: Yet for all that promise,biotech is fa r from being the whole answel.In developing countries,lost crops are not only one cause of hunger.Poverty plays the largest role.Today more than 1 billion people around the globe live on less than 1 dollar a day.Making genetically modified c rops available will not reduce hunger if fa rmers cannot afford to g row them or if the local population cannot afford to buy the foods those farmers produce. Nor can biotech overcome the challenge of distributing foods in developing countries.Taken as a whole,the world produces enough foods to feed eVeryone but much of it is simply in the wrong place.Especially in countries with undeveloped transpo rt infrastructu res,geography restricts food availability as d ramatically as genetics promises to improve it. Biotech has its own“distribution”problems.Private-sector biotech companies in the rich countries carry out much of the leading-edge research on genetically modified crops.Thei r products are often too costly for poor fa rmers in the developing world,and many of those products won't even reach the regions where they are most needed.Biotech fi rms have a strong financial incentive to target rich ma rkets fi rst in order to help them rapidly recoup the high costs of product developme ... 目录: 诗诲漫步 未选择的路 异国风情录 在美国留学 新加坡的教育 名人演讲 关于大学的概念 音乐T0p My Heart Will Go On 开心一刻 证据确凿 听力突破 听力技巧解读一一保持良好的心态和具备必要的答题习惯 听力训练及解答 口语速成 口语技巧解读——衡量英语口语水平的标准 口语训练 阅读进阶 阅读技巧解读——句子理解 阅读训练及解答 写作高手 写作技巧解读——提纲作文的写作 写作训练及范文 优秀习作欣赏