内容简介: 《传播学专业英语》是以作者多年的教学讲义为蓝本,参考多种国内外同类教材编著而成。每单元两篇课文,第一篇偏重理论,第二篇偏重大众传播史。力求兼顾知识的系统性和文章的趣味性和可读性。五、篇幅合适。本教材考虑到高校教学的实际,准备编写12个单元,篇幅适于一个学期的教学使用。本书的目标读者是高等院校新闻传媒类专业高年级本科生和研究生,可以用作传播学专业英语教材,也可以用作传播学英文授课或双语授课教材。 目录: Unit 1 The Importance of Communication
Text A Communication—What Makes Man the Master of the Earth
Text B Stages in the History of Human Communication
Unit 2 The Nature of Communication
Text A What is Communication
Text B What Communication Does
Unit 3 Culture, Communication and Mass Communication
Text A Culture and Communication
Text B What is Mass Communication
Unit 4 Basics of Communication Theories (I)
Text A The Media as Gatekeeper
Text B The Limited Effects Theories
Unit 5 Basics of Communication Theories (II)
Text A Theories about Audience and Communication Effects