目录: 开篇 传承中华文化,建立文化自信 准确、规范把握有关“三个关注对象”的相关问题——以北京市西城区为例 传承中国非遗,弘扬优秀文化 雕漆篇 雕漆 当代雕漆的艺术特色 Artistic Features of Modern Diaoqi 雕漆传承人的工作和生活现状 The Life and Work Experience of Diaoqi Artists 雕漆传承人的培养 The Training Process of Diaoqi Inheritors 北京雕漆艺术发展障碍的研究 Research on the Barriers to the Development of Beijing Diaoqi 北京雕漆市场调查报告 Diaoqi Market Investigation Report 北京高中生对于雕漆认知度的调查 Beijing High School Students' Cognition of Diaoqi 评书篇 浅析北京评书的艺术特征 二十一世纪北京评书的艺术特色与创新 The Artistic Features and Innovations of Beijing Pingshu in the 21st Century 北京评书说书人的培养 The Training of Beijing Pingshu Performers 书场说书和电视说书的区别 The Differences between Performing in a Pingshu Theater ...