作者简介: 空中英语教室编辑群专门为亚洲人设计英语学习类杂志,扎实丰富的杂志内容与多媒体教学相结合,以生动、活泼的美式教学风格,涵盖生活、艺术人文、旅游节庆、运动、社会趋势等焦点主题,秉持优质英语教学理念,坚持传递正向价值观。 主编推荐: 超实用英语会话演出来:地道英语看老外怎么说!情境图解让英语变简单:变身英语通就靠这一本! 精彩内容: Dear friends,亲爱的读者,We have included drawings and lessons from Let’s Talk in English to help you with small talk,travel and work. In this book, you can learn English from cartoons. I think you’ll enjoy all thelessons, drawings and exercises.我们从《大家说英语》杂志中精心选取“日常英语”、“旅游英语”、“职场英语”主题的内容和图片,重新编排,将本书《彩图情境英语口语大全》呈现给大家。本书带着大家通过场景图解来学习英语,我相信其中的主题对话、图解和练习肯定能让大家受用。Do you like to talk to new people? If so, the first section is for you! Small talk topics includethe weather, your home, pets or a movie you just saw. These are topics that you can talk to anyoneabout. I think you’ll enjoy learning and using them. Travel is also an interesting subject. In thesecond section, you will learn about making reservations, packing a suitcase, traveling on anairplane and much more. Then you can plan a trip. The third ... 内容简介: 《彩图情境英语口语大全》涵盖日常英语、旅游英语和职场英语三大板块,每个板块又各包含12个主题。想认识新朋友、愉快地聊天;出国开心玩,要买机票、订酒店、搭机;用英语面试、接待外宾、跟老外一起工作……《彩图情境英语口语大全》帮你用英语聊天更有话题、出国游零负担、职场英文地道说! 目录: Section 1 图解日常英语