主编推荐: This book contains more than a hundred carefully selected photos and details the 110-year history of China's railways from the perspective of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou line. Expounding on China's smart high-speed railways, the book showcases the strength of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou line, which is the first of its kind and leads the world. 内容简介: 本书以图文书的形式,全景式展示京张高铁110年的发展飞跃,重点阐述中国智能高铁的发展历程,探究京张高铁开启世界智能高铁之先河、领跑全球的硬核实力。本书会将智能高铁的建设过程、智能装备和智能车站的运营用作者日常报道中的摄影作品进行展示,所有场景皆有细节之美。 本书作者将走进中国最主要的高铁建设企业、管理企业、制造企业,向读者展示智能高铁长什么样,是一本权威性与实用性并存的参考资料。 目录: Chapter 1 China's First Railways
1. Controlled by foreigners, China's first railways experienced a difficult birth
2. Overcoming hardships, Zhan Tianyou became a key figure in China's railways
3. Steaming across the horizon, the first railway was built by China
4. History of the stations and buildings
Chapter 2 Beijing-Zhangjiakou CHSR
1. The story behind the centennial leap forward
2. Exclamations and amazement
3. From 35 to 350 kph
4. Smart Fuxing excels in "cool tech
5. The Olympic version of smart Fuxing
6. Visual cultural elements applied to high-speed rail aesthetics
7. 12 deluxe stations under new-type infrastructure
8. The high-speed operation of the most powerful "brain"