内容简介: 《爱是一条线(情感篇·晨间版·英汉典藏版)》讲述了:我们总是在寻找幸福,却总是找不到。于是开始抱怨幸福之神从来不曾眷顾我们,但其实往往是我们自己让幸福从指缝中溜走了。幸福其实很简单,只要你用一颗纯朴的心去看待身边的事物。你就会发现:生活原来是如此多姿多彩,原来你一直都生活在幸福之中。爱,隐在举手投足问,藏在点点滴滴里…… 摘要: Before dinner my wife wanted me to go to the store to get some soft drinks.It seemed that this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly get alittle driving practice. I drove her to the store and left my car with her, then Icame back home. I went to enjoy my music and my son spoke admiringly of thecar. It was the nicest car I had ever owned. However, I said, "Guy, my heartis not set on that car. I like it but it is just metal and it is a depreciating item.It won't last forever. Never set your heart on anything that is temporary. " Minutes later after the talk, I heard a noise on our street. My son went outand then he shouted, "Dad! Holly damaged your car. " My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts. Wasanyone hurt? Who else was involved? To my surprise the accident had not oc-curred on the street, but right in my own driveway. Holly was not hurt physical-ly, but when I reached her, she was crying softly and saying over and over a-gain, "Oh, Dad, I'm sorry. I know how much you love this car. " I wrappedher in my arms. Later that week a friend asked what happened to my car. I told her thewhole story. Then she said, "That happened to me when I was a girl. After theaccident, my father just yelled at me. " Over forty years later the pain stillmoved her to tears. It was a deep wound on her soul. …… 目录: 爱的火花 与我共舞 车上的刮痕 再多五分钟 当你了解真相 留了爱 你会帮我吗 优选的礼物 制造回忆 除了水槽以外 汤米的涂鸦 朋友之间 爱是一条线 父亲节 母爱的故事 错失的祝福 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 一封绝妙的情书 爱的赠予 没有后悔的机会 心声 真爱 上一次是什么时候 给儿子的一封公开信 你会关机吗 爷爷的情人节卡片 母亲的手 看着我走 橡树爸爸 一次善举 苹果树 阿尔米罗斯 梦想的编织者 沙子和石头 吻之盒 木碗的故事 祈祷的双手 母亲的产生 伤心时不必独处 我们不都一样吗 有益的教诲 孔雀与乌龟 爸爸,我的疗伤之源 我们去哪里 柔弱的眼泪,坚强的心 爱与喜欢的区别 来自爷爷的祝愿 挚爱玫瑰 回家 你是我的生命 真正的爱 人间的天使 为母亲祈祷 两个仇家 爱 上帝的妻子 友谊 家 真正的朋友 爱情 爱你的妈妈 像他那样的兄弟 爱的故事 恋爱的狮子 伤疤 爱是双向的 和另一个女人约会 爱就是无限度地去爱 父亲的道别之吻 上帝的咖啡