内容简介: 《应用语言学论文写作指导:实证研究报告的撰写》系统指导如何撰写实证性研究论文,全书包括八章,除靠前章为本书引言外,其他七章分别介绍了论文的七个组成部分,包括:摘要、引言、文献综述、研究方法、研究结果、结果讨论和结论。每章采用相同结构:所讲论文章节的功能;实现这些功能的步骤;以一篇论文作实例分析;该章节需要注意的语言特征;常见问题等。本书可作为应用语言学硕士生和博士生论文写作课教材,或本领域及其他文科专业研究者撰写论文的指导,还可作为外语教师培训参考资料。 目录: 总序 导读 Preface Acknowledgements Chapter I Background What Is the Book about? Who Is the Book for? Why Has the Book Been Written? How Does the Book Meet the Content, Structure, Linguistic and Presentational Needs of Students? How Is the Book Organized? What Is the Sample Masters Thesis about and Why Has It Been Selected? How Can This Book Be Used? Further Reading Chapter 2 Abstract Introduction The Functions of a Thesis Abstract The Content ...