作者简介: 索尼娅·布莱斯勒,Doctor of Philosophy and Epistemology (PhD). Consultant in communication & strategy,ethics and digital / Speaker, teacher-researcher in several schools and universities.She created the company of philosophy and strategy Bressler Conseil (in 2011). Placing philosophy at the heart of her approach, she chose to confront it in the field, to jostle it up to raise geostrategic issues. From traveling to traveling, she based her expertise on understanding cultures and especially listening to them. By dint of confrontation, she has established new reflections on the communication of influence, the issues of languages and territories (sometimes even imaginary). She has developed a data-philosophy in favor of human rights. It places ethics and the appropriation of datas at the hear ... 内容简介: 这是索尼娅再次到访西藏后,对西藏的重新认识。该书比之前出版的《穿越西藏》一书内容要丰富和详尽,从西藏的人文景观、自然景观、民族风俗、艺术和各位居民的访谈中介绍了一个全方位的西藏。该书原版法文版在法国出版,五洲将翻译成英文版在国内出版。 目录: 《深入西藏之旅:英文》目录参见目录图