内容简介: 本教程是英语专业低年级的专业必修课程教材,为学生提供系统而有针对性的英语语法知识讲解,帮助学生梳理在英语学习中遇到的语法现象,总结语言规律,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。分别从词法、语法、句法三个方面解析语法现象。每篇以章为单位,讲解各语法点的基本概念、基本用法,剖析难点、易错点,并通过大量练习,帮助学生掌握语法项目。 目录: Chapter One Introduction to Sentence Chapter Introduction 1 Classification based on sentence function 2 Classification based on sentence structure 3 Classification based on rhetoric function 4 Members of sentence Lesson 1 Classification Based on Sentence Function 1 Declarative sentence 2 Interrogative sentence 3 Imperative sentence 4 Exclamatory sentence Lesson 2 Classification Based on Sentence Structure 1 Simple sentence 2 Compound sentence 3 Complex sentence 4 Compound-complex sentence Lesson 3 Classification Based on Rhetoric Function 1 Loose sentence 2 Periodic sentence Lesson 4 Elements of Sentence 1 Parts of sentence 2 Types of clause ...