内容简介: 邯郸是中国春秋战国时期“战国七雄”之一的赵国的首都,有着三千多年的历史。邯郸是中国有名的成语之乡,据考证,在汉语的万余条成语中,有1584条和邯郸有关,且大部分含有历史典故,是中华文化的瑰宝。在《邯郸成语典故读本(汉英对照)》中,我们精选了129条和邯郸相关的成语典故,并将其译成了英文,根据它们的内容和特点,将其归纳成了八大类——贤士篇、谋略篇、励志篇、军事篇、教训篇、和谐篇、改革篇、哲学篇等。海内外读者可以从《邯郸成语典故读本(汉英对照)》中了解到邯郸悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,同时有效地提高自己的汉语和英语水平。 摘要: After sealing the tally to save Zhao State, Wei Wuji, Lord of Xinling,feared that his elder brother, the King of Wei State, would look into his crime,so he hid himself and stayed in Zhao State. He heard that the reverend Mr. Mao and Mr. Xue were very capable, andsent his men to invite them to his place, but they two refused. He inquired about the two men and got news that Mr. Mao hid himselfamong the gamblers, and Mr. Xue hid in an alcohol shop. So he went to lookfor them and at last he got to know them. Lord Pingyuan was told the news and he commented, "I have heardbefore that Lord Xinling's behaviour is unparalleled in the world, but now Iconsider that his behaviour is stupid enough, and he has all his goods in thewindow." Lord Xinling said, "Now that Lord Pingyuan looks down upon andsneers at me, I think it is time for me to leave." Lord Pingyuan knew that he had said wrong words, so he apologized toLord Xinling, and Lord Xinling had a greater reputation. At that time, the King of Qin State dispatched troops to attack Wei State,so the King of Wei State sent a messenger to invite Lord Xinling to return. But Lord Xinling was afraid that the King of Wei State would look intohis crime of stealing the tally, so he refused ... 目录: 1 2大公无私 3独步一时 4击缶秦公 5布衣之交 6毛遂自荐 7一言九鼎 8脱颖而出 9因人成事.三寸之舌 10漆身吞炭 11众人国士 12赵衰举贤 13排难解纷 14图穷匕见 15坐怀不乱 16程婴杵臼 17汉思李牧 18筒子谦卑 19天经地义 20天下无双 21三千剑客 22董狐之笔 23一狐之腋 24一日千里 25一字千金 26坚守一心 27季子裘敞 28赤心陈事 29疾风劲草 30乐此不疲 31鸱衔腐鼠 32代笔捉刀