The author of How to Know God provides help for healing deeptrauma—whenever it arises—so we may find peace in ourselves and inour world.
Terror came from the sky, and afterward the world would never bethe same. September, 11, 2001, defined tragedy for a generation. Onthat day Deepak Chopra found himself driving from city to city,meeting thousands of people who begged for meaning and solace inthe face of suffering. In response he has written The Deeper Wound,offering a way of healing as a memorial to the thousands of victimswho perished.
The opening section, “In the Face of Tragedy,” defines sufferingas the pain that threatens to make life meaningless. When ourdeepest needs go unfulfilled, suffering begins. We begin to healwhen we go beyond personal anger and fear to a realization of ourtrue self, the self that was never afraid and can never bewounded.
The true self contains the light that no darkness can attack.Having described a path of awareness and compassion that leads tothe light, the second half of The Deeper Wound takes us therethrough “A Hundred Days of Healing,” daily affirmations, exercises,insights, lessons, and questions—each a step out of pain toward ahigher reality. “We can become living memorials to tragedy byrestoring the power of life,” writes Deepak Chopra. “You are thatlife, you are that power. Let us see if we can find the spark thatwill make the spiritual flame spring up.”
Healing yourself comes in two stages—first releasing the energyof suffering, then replacing it with the soul’s energy. It is agentle and fragile path, very much like holding on to a thread asit leads you from step to step.
If you take the time to listen to the voice of silence, you willbe astonished at the power you have at your command, however longthat power has been overlooked.
A portion of the proceeds earned by the author and publisher fromthe sale of this book will be donated to the Red Cross to aid inhumanitarian relief efforts around the world.
DEEPAK CHOPRA is the author of HOW TO KNOW GOD and twenty-nineother books. He lives in La Jolla, California.