★书名*作者:32t★英文原版Inside the United Nations by Steve Bonta包平邮★ ★书号:ISBN 1881919080 ★新旧程度:二手书。很新。有很多彩色照片 ★其他说明:完整,漂亮! ★简介*简评:有任何问题请咨询本店主,可以直接通过视频看宝贝哦! Inside the United Nations by Steve Bonta Synopsis: The United Nations has been in existence for more than half a century, but it's origins and objectives are poorly understood by many Americans. This book is a brief introduction to the United Nations and to the people who created it and sustain it. INSIDE THE UNITED NATIONS goes More...behind the public relations campaign of the UN to examine the hard reality of the UN system - and it's dangerous objectives. 127页 Publisher: The John Birch Society 2003年