chapter one economics经济学 text a microeconomics and macroeconomics text b the ine―expenditure model text c economics basics:production sibility frontier(ppf)and oppoaunity cost chapter two development economics发展经济学 text a what is development economics? text b the harroddomar growth model text c china:promcting the environment and improving livelihoods of farmers chapter three international economics国际经济学 text a what is international economics? text b the international economy text c factorendowment theory chapter four international trade theories国际贸易理论 text a absolute cost theory text b parative cost theory text c the world trade organization chapter five international trade policies and measures国际贸易政策与措施 text a free trade or protectionism? text b free trade in asian style text c trade policy tools chapter six international trade practice国际贸易实务 text a incoterms 2010 text b cargo insurance guide text c letter of credit(l/c) chapter seven international business negotiation国际谈判 text a a beginner’s guide to international business negotiations text b united states business etiquette text c eight ste to success in negotiatingimportance of business negotiating chapter eight international finance国际金融 text a the imf’s role at a glance text b exchange rates text c effort to balance international payments chapter nine moary banking货币银行学 text a money and banks text b who needs a swiss bank? text c what is money? chapter ten international investment国际投资 text a foreign direct investment text b trends and recent developments in foreign direct investment text c china is the most promising source of fdi chapter eleven accountancy text a accounting and auditors text b marsh to make payments more transparent text c accounting for advertising costs chapter twelve international business law国际商法 text a formation of agency text b contract law text c what is consideration? chapter thirteen marketing市场营销 text a what is marketing? text b four principles of marketing strategy in the digital age text c customer retention:the key to growth and profit chapter fourteen economic management经济管理 text a virtual economic management text b less government better for business?not if history provides a guide text c so security crisis?not if the wealthy pay their way appendix business terms(english and chinese interpretations)术语(英汉释义)