foretry i an eential part of the ecoytem conervation. it i a baic indutry for utainable economic development and o ervice. it i alo the main battle field for buil harmoniou relationhip between human and the nature. foretry y an irreceable role in buil the ecoytem and protecting our environment. ince china opening up to the world 40 year ago, chinee foret coverage ignificantly improved a a reult of afforetation and conervation. foret protection from pet bee more important. in the 1980 and 1990, the firt and econd edition of foret inect of china were publihed to meet the need for foret pet reearch, teaching, and better pet control method and trategie. a an important reference book, it greatly aited in the protection of foret ecoytem in china.
it ha been nearly 30 year ince the econd edition wa publihed. china experienced tremendou cientific and economic development during thi period. ignificant advance occurred in foret entomology reearch. it bee neceary to update the econd edition of chinee foret inect and to publih an englih edition to allow for eay acce of the information by international cholar. in the new edition, the following major change were made.