rapid advance of intelligent machine for amrt manufacturing equipmentdriverle vehicleroboticand medical indutrie continue to motivate new deign and app;ocation of multidegreeoffreedom(dof) actuator capable of plex motion and precie force/torque manipulation to plete tak that have never been automated before.extenive effort to develop novel actuator with pact deign and deign and dexterou manipulation can be found in both academic reearch and indurial development.unlike multidof ytem with deign baed on bulky erial/parallel bination cf inglea pin motor and tranmiion mechanimpherical motor/actuator are directdrive and can achieve multidof rotational motion in a ingle ball jointbecaue of thee attractive featurealong with the tructural implicity and the capability to achieve quick ingularityfree motionpherical motor are expected to y a ignificant role in the developmet of intelligent machine.
chapter 1 introduction/1
1.2the state of the art/3
1.21 maric modeling and analysis/6
1.22 orientation sensing/8
1.23 control methods/10
1.3 book outline/12
part i modelling methods for pmsms/21
chapter 2 general formulation of pmsms/21
2.1 pmsm electromagic system modeling/21
2.1.1 governing equations of electromagic field/21
2.1.2 boundary condition/24
2.1.3 magic flux linkage and energy/25
2.1.4 magic force/torque/26
2.2 pmsm rotor dynamic /27
chapter 3 distributed multi-pole models/31
3.1 distributed multi-pole model for pms/31
3.1.1 pm field with dmp model/32
3.1.2 numerical illustrative examples/35
3.2 distributed multi-pole model for ems/43
3.2.1 equivalent magization of the epm/45
3.2.2 illustrations of magic field putation/47
3.3 dipole force/torque model/47
3.3.1 force and torque on a magic dipole/47
3.3.2 illustration of magic force putation/49
3.4 image method with dmp models/52
3.4.1 image method with spherical grounded boundary/53
3.4.2 illustrative examples/56
3.4.3 effects of iron boundary on the torque/58
3.5 illustrative numerical simulations for pmsm design/62
3.5.1 pole pair design/65
3.5.2 static loa investigation/70
3.5.3 weight-pensating regulator/71
chapter 4 pmsm force/torque model for real-time control/81
4.1 force/torque formulation/81
4.1.1 magic force/torque based on the kernel functions/82
4.1.2 simplified model: as-symmetric ems/pms/85
4.1.3 inverse torque model/86
4.2 numerical illustrations/86
4.2.1 as-asymmetric em/pms/86
4.2.2 as-symmetric em/pm/90
4.3 illustrative pmsm torque modelling /93
part ii sensing methods
chapter 5 field-based orientation sensing/99
5.1 coordinate systems and sensor cement/99
5.2 field mapping and segmentation/100
5.3 artifi neural work inverse map/102
5.4 experimental investigation/103
5.4.1 2-dof concurrent characterization/104
chapter 6 a back-emf method for multi-dof motion detection/109
6.1 back-emf for multi-dof motion sensing/109
6.1.1 emf model in a single em-pm pair/111
6.1.2 back-emf with multiple em-pm pairs/112
6.2 implementation of back-emf method on a pmsm/114
6.2.1 mechanical and magic structure of the pmsm/115
6.2.2 numerical solutions for the mfl model/116
6.2.3 experiment and discussion/118
6.2.4 parameter estimation of the pmsm with back-emf method/120
part iii control methods
chapter 7 direct field-feedback ccontrol/125
7.1 traditional orientation control method for spherical motors/125
7.1.1 pd control law and stability analysis/126
7.1.2 ments on implementation of traditional control methods/127
7.2 direct field-feedback control/128
7.2.1 determination of bijective domain/129
7.2.2 dfc control law and control parameter determination/129
7.2.3 dfc with multi-sensors/130
7.3 numerical 1-dof illustrative example/131
7.3.1 sensor design and bijective domain identification/131
7.3.2 field-based control law/133
7.3.3 numerical illustrations of multiple bijective domains/135
7.4 experimental investigation of dfc for 3-dof pmsm/135
7.4.1 system description/135
7.4.2 sensor design and bijective domains/138
7.4.3 bijective domain/139
7.4.4 tcv putation using artifi neural work (ann)/142
7.4.5 experimental investigation/142
chapter 8 a two-mode pmsm for haptic applications/151
8.1 description of the pmsm haptic device/151
8.1.1 two-mode configuration design for 6-dof manipulation/153
8.1.2 numerical model for magic field/torque putation/154
8.1.3 field-based tcv estimation/155
8.2 snap-fit simulation/156
8.2.1 snap-fit performance analyses/158
8.2.2 snap-fit haptic application/159
thi book introduce and illutrate modeling ening and control method for analyzing deigning and developing pherical motor. it ytematically preent modelfor etablihing the relationhi among the magic field ition/orientation and force/torque while alo provi timeefficient olution to ait reearcher and engineer in tudying and developing thee motor. in order to take full advantage of pherical motor’ pact tructure in practical application ening and control method that utilize their magic field and eliminate the need to intall external enor for feedback are proed. further the book invetigate for the firt time pherical motor’force/torque manipulation capability and proe algorithm enabling the balljointlike endeffector for haptic ue baed on thee motor’hybrid ition/force actuation mode. while ytematically preenting approache to their deign ening and control the book alo provide many example illutrating the implementation iue reader may encounter.