1.disintroductions ambrose b ierce ( 1) 2.the road to success andrew carneg ie ( 4) 3.thanksgiving andy rooney ( 7) 4.h idden pennies annie d illard ( 10) 5.moral perfection benjam in franklin ( 14) 6.the ephem era:an emblem ofhum an life benjam in franklin ( 18) 7.the handsom e and deform ed leg benjam in franklin ( 21) 8.trustyourself:you know more than you think you do benjam in spock ( 25) 9.how to dealw ith people dale carneg ie ( 27) 10.education(i) e.b.white ( 35) 11.education(ii) e.b.white ( 38) 12.listening e.welty ( 41) 13.a message to garcia elberthubbard ( 46) 14.sinking the relationship ellen goodm an ( 52) 15.learning to read andw rite frederick doug lass ( 55) 16.three days to see helen keller ( 62) 17.the education ofhenry adam s henry adam s ( 66) 18.love your life henry david thoreau ( 73) 19.solitude henry david thoreau ( 75) 20.my days henry david thoreau ( 79) 21.thew riting of english henry seidelcanby ( 82) 22.the pathless profession(i) henry van dyke ( 85) 23.the pathless profession(ii) henry van dyke ( 89) 24.haw thorne and h ismosses herm anmelville ( 94) 25.notes of a native son jam es baldw in ( 100) 26.a d iscussion of fem inine types(i) jam es thurber ( 104) 27.a d iscussion of fem inine types(ii) jam es thurber ( 110) 28.stop murdering the language john leo ( 113) 29.one sm all life joseph farkas ( 117) 30.the truth about lying(i) jud ith viorst ( 121) 31.the truth about lying(ii) jud ith viorst ( 124) 32.a manwho had no eyes mackinlay kantor ( 128) 33.at the mercy of the cure markmathabane ( 132) 34.mont b lanc mark twain ( 137) 35.theways ofmeeting oppression(i) martin lutherking jr. ( 141) 36.theways ofmeeting oppression(ii) martin lutherking jr. ( 145) 37.the prom ised land mary antin ( 150) 38.the rewards of living a solitary life may sarton ( 156) 39.a lesson in living maya angelou ( 159) 40.the teacherwho changed my life n icholas g age ( 164) 41.pain is not the ultim ate enemy norm an cousins ( 171) 42.g ive me liberty,or g ive me death patrickhenry ( 176) 43.c ircles ralphwaldo em erson ( 181) 44.g ifts ralphwaldo em erson ( 186) 45.nature ralphwaldo em erson ( 190) 46.beauty(i) ralphwaldo em erson ( 193) 47.beauty(ii) ralphwaldo em erson ( 196) 48.spirit ralphwaldo em erson ( 200) 49.art ralphwaldo em erson ( 204) 50.the am erican scholar(i) ralphwaldo em erson ( 207) 51.the am erican scholar(ii) ralphwaldo em erson ( 210) 52.d ivinity schooladdress(i) ralphwaldo em erson ( 213) 53.d ivinity schooladdress(ii) ralphwaldo em erson ( 216) 54.literary ethics(i) ralphwaldo em erson ( 219) 55.literary ethics(ii) ralphwaldo em erson ( 222) 56.self-reliance ralphwaldo em erson ( 225) 57.daddy tucked the b lanket(i) randallw illiam s ( 229) 58.daddy tucked the b lanket(ii) randallw illiam s ( 232) 59.the plotagainst people russellbaker ( 235) 60.everymans naturaldesire to be som ebody e lse(i) samuelmcchord c rothers ( 239) 61.everymans naturaldesire to be som ebody e lse(ii) samuelmcchord c rothers ( 244) 62.what is an am erican? j.hector st.john de c rèvecoeur ( 248) 63.beauty susan sontag ( 254) 64.neat people vs.sloppy people suzanne britt ( 258) 65.som e self-analysis theodore roethke ( 261) 66.the strenuous life theodore roosevelt ( 265) 67.the crisis(i) thom as paine ( 270) 68.the crisis(ii) thom as paine ( 275) 69.upon receiving the nobel prize for literature w illiam faulkner ( 281) 70.bovine and hum an happiness w illiam lyon phel ( 284) 71.why iw rite w illiam saroyan ( 287) 72.how it feels to be colored me(i) zora neale hurston ( 291) 73.how it feels to be colored me(ii) zora neale hurston ( 295)