unit 1 the wodd economy text a the changing world economy text b globalization:an emerging wrorld culture fast rea supplementary reaunit 2 the gatt and wto text a activities of gatt text b the wrorld trade organization fast rea supplementary reaunit 3 business law text a legal environment of business text b consumer law fast rea supplementary reaunit 4 international trade text a unique problems in international trade text b the wrorld bank and the international moary fund fast rea supplementary reaunit 5 securities text a stocks and bonds(ⅰ) text b stocks and bonds(ⅱ) fast rea supplementary reaunit 6 advertisement text a the advertising standards authority:an advertising watchdog text b advertising fast rea supplementary reaunit 7 knowledge economy text a knowledge economy text b new zealands petitors in the knowledge economy fast rea supplementary reaunit 8 automobiles text a sorry,officer,i was just stating text b audi stories behind the four rings fast rea supplementary reaunit 9 investment text a the new land of opportunity text b chinas overseas investment fast rea supplementary reaunit 10 e-merce text a a consumers guide to e-payments text b technologies can take-off fast fast rea supplementary reaunit 11 trade and technology text a international countertrade text b chinas technology trade and development of hi-tech sectors fast rea supplementary reaunit 12 housing text a housing maxket text b so security privatization―tax increases fast rea supplementary reaappendix ⅰ.glossary ⅱ.spe terms ⅲ.国际经济组织、条约与商品交易所 ⅳ.世界企业 ⅴ.世界主要货币名称keys to the exercises