部分 精读 unit 1 text a voltage, resistance and current text b kirchhoffs current law(kcl) and kirchhoffs voltage law(kvl) grammar exercises rea material: superheterodyne receiver unit 2 text a radio receivers text b audio amplifiers grammar exercises rea material: miniaturization and microminiaturization unit 3 text a the binary number system text b logical gates grammar exercises rea material: digital design unit 4 text a minimum power system text b desirable feature of hydront grammar exercises rea material : dc motors unit 5 text a importance of instrumentation text b differential protection grammar exercises rea material: the directional protection basis unit 6 text a stics and other materials text b cold working and hot working grammar exercises rea material: cams and gears unit 7 text a introduction of machining text b fleble manufacturing systems grammar exercises rea material: mechanism of surface finish production unit 8 text a the concept of length offset text b programming grammar exercises rea material: software issues and trends. unit 9
text a lasers text b what are lasers good for? grammar exercises rea material: laser safety unit 10 text a frequency-domain descriptions text b the princip]e of pcm grammar exercises rea material: time-domain descriptions unit 11 text a electronic digital puter text b c as a structured language grammar exercises rea material: puter and mieroeomputer unit 12 text a puter software text b linux grammar exercises rea material: buses: conneeting i/o devices to proeessor and memory unit 13 text a input devices of puter text b the system bus grammar exercises rea material: puters and microputers unit 14 text a data munication text b municating with data grammar exercises rea material: introduction to switching unit 15 text a global system for mobile munication (gsm) text b cdma grammar exercises rea material: wireless systems unit 16 text a analogue radio-relay system text b gigabit ether grammar exercises rea material: point-to-point munication unit 17 text a optical munications text b wdm
grammar exerelses rea material: generation 2. 5 mobile cellular system unit 18 text a pid control text b state-space analysis of control systems grammar exercises rea material : nyquists stability criterion unit 19 text a root-locus approach to control system design text b nonlinear control systems grammar exercises rea material: terminology of control systems unit 20 text a the simple two-coil transformer text b artifi neural work control grammar exercises rea material unit 21 text a sensors text b how robots work grammar exercises rea material: humanoid robots: a new kind of tool unil 22 text a the oscilloscope text b superheterodyne radio receivers grammar exercises rea material: optical microscopy 第二部分 专业阅读材料 passage a interrupt system and respon service of 80c51 passage b laser safety passage c work hardware and software passage d the wireless channel