001/满纸烟岚开境界,半园花木寄情怀——郭德昌作品散/徐沛君 004/landscape paintings show concepts,flower and bird paintings express feelings——general mentary for mr.guo dechangs paintings xu peijun 008/—手伸向生活,一手伸向传统文/邵大箴009/learning from both the real life and the tradition shao dazhen 010/大印象,大境界文/贾德江 011/big feeling,deep impression big tone,large state jia dejiang 012/无变之变——观德昌先生画作有感文/李玲微 013/change of the unchanged——my impressions of mr.guo dechangs paintings li lingwei 山水作品 015/西山秋韵autumn scenery of the west mountain 016/空谷寻诗poetic valley 0171云开太行奇taihang without cloud 019/天籟sound of nature 021/新雨涤尘rain wash off dust 022/山居秋autumn mountain scenery near house 023/太行游记travel in taihang 025/故乡的云cloud of hometown 026/林泉清韵rhythm of forest and spring 027/晴雨rain under sunlight……