国际化笔触设计,时尚品位生活 global design lea fashion and taste 照玉楼花似锦,楼上醉和春寝 sunlight on jade buil, flowers are like brocade; intocation utairs echoes with sleep in spring scenery 传统与现代相融,与艺术相生 fusion of the tradition and modern, coestence of culture and art 墨染 ink and wash 界无限 ,观十方 unlimited boundary, infinite vision 玉蕴美德,谦若君子 virtues of jade, be like a gentleman 无何有之乡,之墅 where is your home? this villa is right here waiting for you 山居:空灵的气息,演绎裸心的生活 life in mountains: chilly air makes heart peace and quiet 衍生 generative 艺术地生活,诗意地栖居 live artistic, dwell poetic 师法自然,木石有情 to follow the nature, wood and stone bee affectionate 隐在湖边,归在田园 reclusive on lakeshore, returning to countryside 执笔缱绻书古意,尽将流光付闲 writing is attached to a description of ancient conception; time can be spent at leisure 以意带形,提纯人居美学 with connotation to promote physical shape, dwelling aesthetics is upgraded 浸染诗意的家园 dyed in a poetic home 新传统视野下的精致生活韵味 fine culture and charming life by new traditional perspective 京华烟云 moment in peking ……