unit 1 accounting:a general introduction(导论) 1.1 what is accounting 1.2 accounting is an information system 1.3 the development of accounting unit 2 accounting elements and equations(要素和等式) 2.1 what are accounting elements and equations 2.2 the expanded accounting equation unit 3 the double-entry accounting system(复式记账法) 3.1 what are credits and debits 3.2 double - entry bookkeeping 3.3 filling in and checking the accounting document unit 4 the accounting process (程序) 4.1 accounting cycle 4.2 journals 4.3 the subsidiary ledgers 4.4 how to prepare a trial balance unit 5 adjusting entry and closing procedures(调整分录和结账程序) 5.1 adjusting entry 5.2 closing process unit 6 current assets(流动资产) 6.1 cash 6.2 accounting method of invested capital 6.3 accounting method of borrowed capital 6.4 accounts receivable 6.5 first in, first out method 6.6 purchase the inventory unit 7 long -term assets (长期资产) 7.1 nt and equipment 7.2 accounting for asset acquisition 7.3 how to depreciate fixed assets 7.4 intangible assets unit 8 liabilities(负债) 8.1 current liabilities 8.2 long - term liabilities unit 9 owners equity(所有者权益) 9.accounting for single proprietorship unit 10 revenue and expenses(收入和费用) 10.1 revenue 10.2 expenses 10.3 the calculation of cost and expense 10.4 the calculation of product sales 10.5 the calculation of profit unit 11 finan statements (财务报表) 11.1 what is a balance sheet 11.2 the format of a balance sheet 11.3 ine statement 11.4 what is a cash flow statement unit 12 finan statement analysis(财务报表分析) 12.1 finan statement analysis 12.2 application of finan ratios analysis
本教材编写的特:一是碎片化资源完整系统化,教材围绕“how to expre accounting in englih”为中心目的,将英语与专业知识结合起来,运用信息技术在课程体系方面进行改革。二是教材与省级精品在线开放课程英语配套。在线开放课程英语2014年3月开始研制,2015年3月2018年6月在世界大学城台开课4期,2019年3月至2021年12月在学银在线台开课3期。按照省级精品在线开放课程建设标准研制,在目标和要求的框架下,内容和过程能用网络的方式呈现,是互联网时代条件下课程新的表现形式,具有开放、自主、共享、交互和协作的特征。三是教材中的微课参加湖南省微课比赛获奖。四是课程思政元素直接融入内容。新增每节一语(育人警句),案例来源校企合作单位,将过去教材中英语词汇细化为核心专业词汇和基础词汇,每个小节内增加随堂练一练帮助提炼知识重点,随堂思一思、随堂说一说、随堂读一读进行课程思政实践,提升的英语语表达能力,后每个小节配套过关测试题。