i perspective 章 远景 / … ……………………………………………………………………1 the future and peace / 未来与和 causes of past wars / 过去历次战争爆发的原因 growth of oping interests / 敌对利益集团的发展 danger of merely juridical conceptions of the league of nations / 联盟纯属法律概念的危险 the sibility of a world-tyranny / 出现一种世界的可能 the problem stated / 业已的问题 ii so momentum 第二章 社会的动力 / ……………………………………………………………6 democratic idealism, its successive tragedies , and its relation to reality / 的理想主义,随之而来的灾难,以及它与现实的关系 the economic reality of the“going concern” / “进行中的事业”的经济现实 the organizers of going concerns / “进行中的事业”的组织者 the emergence of organizers from revolution / 中涌现出来的组织者 the organizer and so discipline / 组织者与社会纪律 the great organizer is the great realist / 的组织者也是的现实主义者 democratic prejudice against experts / 对于专业人士的偏见 the organizer thinks strategically / 组织者战略地思问题 his “ways and means” mind / 其“手段与方法”的思想 - 2 - napoleon / 拿破仑 bismarck / 俾斯麦 the strategical mentality of prussia / 普鲁士的战略精神 “kultur” and strategy / “德国”[1]和战略 the german war map / 德国的战争地图 strategical thought in economics / 经济学里的战略思想 but democracy thinks ethically / 但从道德方面来虑问题 “no annexations, no indemnities” / “不吞并,不索赔” refuses to think strategically unless pelled to do so for defense / 除非是为了御而被迫这样做,否则不愿从战略角度来思问题 must fail unless it reckons with both geographical and economic reality / 倘若不重视地理与经济现实,那么必败无疑 iii the seaman’s point of view 第三章 海洋民族的观点 / … ………………………………………………………41 the unity of the ocean, the first geographical reality / 从地理学角度来看海洋的整体 the consequences not yet fully accepted / 其诸多重要却尚未得到世人的 therefore necessary to take a historical view / 因此有必要从一种历史学的观点来加以看待 conten river-powers in egypt / 埃及河流两岸各个相互争战的强国 the nile “closed” by land-power / 尼罗河被陆上力量“封锁”了 conten sea-powers in the mediterranean / 地中海地区相互争战的海上强国 the mediterranean “closed” by land-power / 地中海被陆上力量“封锁”了 the latin peninsula as a sea-base / 拉丁半岛是一个海上基地 the enpassing of the world-promontory by sea-power from the latin peninsular base / 海上力量通过拉丁半岛这个基地包围了“世界海角” division within the latin european peninsula / 拉丁欧洲半岛的分裂 hence the opportunity for sea-power from the lesser but insular sea-base of britain / 因此,海上力量便有了机会,能够从面积虽然较小、却以海岛为海上基地的不列颠发展起来 of sea-bases in general / 关于通常的海上基地 of sea-power in the great war /次世界大战中的海上力量 [1] kultur:本义指“,文明”,后演变成贬义,暗指含有沙文主义、军国主义等内涵的“德国”,也可用于指纳粹分子统治下的社会组织。 - 3 - the world-island / “世界岛” the ultimate base of sea-power / 海上力量的重要基地 iv the landsman’s point of view 第四章 陆上民族的观点 / … ………………………………………………………89 the world-island seen from within / 从来看“世界岛” the heartland physically defined / 按照自然法则所确定的“中心地带” the other natural regions / 其他的自然区域 the arabian centerland / 阿拉伯地带 the mobile riders and the plowmen / 游牧民族和农耕民族 the arab bid for world empire / 阿拉伯人试图建立起一个世界帝国 the steppes-belt / 草原地带 the tartar invasions and their consequences / 鞑靼人的入侵及其影响 the tibetan heights and the n. w. entries to china and india / 西藏高原以及进入中国和印度的西北通道 the open access from the heartland to arabia and to europe / 从“中心地带”到阿拉伯半岛和欧洲的通途大道 the heartland strategically defined / 从战略角度来定义“中心地带” the black sea basin included / “中心地带”包括了黑海盆地 the baltic basin included / 波罗的海盆地亦包括在内 the heartland as real a physical fact as the world-island / “中心地带”与“世界岛”都是客观存在的现实 the ultimate citadel of land-power / 陆上力量的堡垒 v the rivalry of empires 第五章 帝国之间的竞争 / ………………………………………………………133 the cossack advance over the heartland / 哥萨克人向“中心地带”推进 the russian homeland, sharply delimited / 俄罗斯人的故土急剧分裂 the real europe / 真正的欧洲 divided into east and west europe / 欧洲分裂成了东欧和西欧 - 4 - history of the relations of east and west europe / 东、西欧之间的关系史 their fundamental opition / 它们之间的根本对抗 their essential difference / 它们之间的主要分歧 german and slav in east europe / 位于东欧的耳曼人和斯拉夫人 trafalgar seemed to split the stream of history into two for a century / 特拉法尔加[1]海战似乎将一个世纪的历史长河分为了两支 britain and the not-europe / 不列颠与“不是欧洲” but east europe is really within the heartland, and there were no two streams / 但实际上东欧位于“中心地带”,历史长河也并未分成两支 british and french policy agreed in the nieenth century / 英、法两国的政策在1纪保持着一致 the great war caused by german attempt to control east europe and the heartland / 德国人企图控制东欧和“中心地带”,从而次世界大战 the economic reality of organized man-power — the going concern / 有组织的人力这一经济现实——即“进行中的事业” political economy and national economy / 政治经济与国民经济 the great economic change of 1878 / 1878年的经济巨变 the german policy was to stimulate growth of man-power and then use it to occupy the heartland / 德国的政策是刺激人力增长,然后利用人力来占领“中心地带” but laissez-fairs also a policy of empire / 但自由经济[2]也是帝国的一种政策 clash of the two policies / 这两种政策的 inevitable from the fact that they were two going concerns / 它们是两种“进行中的事业”,这一事实使得无法避。 vi the freedom of nations 第六章 自由 / … ………………………………………………………………171 we have won the war, but were nearly defeated / 尽管我们已经赢得此次大战,但差点儿失败了 [1] trafalgar:特拉法尔加。西班牙位于直布罗陀海峡西端的一个城市。1805年,英国海军在此海域与法、西联合舰队作战并大获全胜,从而巩固了英国海洋霸主的地位。 [2] laissez-faire:(经济上的)放任政策,不干涉主义。源自法语,1纪早期和中期变成了自由市场经济学的同义词。自由放任主义反对干涉经济,并且反对征收除足以维持和、治安和财产权以外的其他税赋。 - 5 - had germany won, if only on land, you should have had to reckon with a heartland empire / 若是德国获胜,算只是在陆地上获胜,我们可能也得严肃认真地去对付一个“中心地带”的帝国了 the heartland the persistent geographical threat to world liberty / “中心地带”在地理上对世界自由构成了持久威胁 how came germany to make the mistake of offensive on west front / 德国怎样犯下了在西线发动攻势的错误 hamburg and the man-power policy / 汉堡及其人力政策 we must now divide up east europe and the heartland / 我们如今必须把东欧和“中心地带”分割开来 it must be a division into three not two state-systems / 东欧必定会分成3种体制,而非两种体制 the peoples of the middle tier / 处于“中间层”中的各个民族 feasibility of league of nations, if this done / 实现这一点之后,联盟才有可行 but there must be no predominant partner / 但是,其中决不能有“占据支配地位的伙伴”[1] yet you will have to reckon with going concerns / 不过,我们仍须去应对各个“进行中的事业” a reasonable equality of power needed among a considerable number of members of your league / 在你们的联盟中,多数会员国应当保持合理的势力均衡 of certain strategical itions of world importance / 具有重要的某些战略要地 the going concerns in the future, and the unequal growth of nations / 未来“进行中的事业”,以及各国的不均衡发展 the ideal is the independent nation of balanced economic development / 理想的情况是经济发展均衡的“独立” tragedies of the going concern / “进行中的事业”的悲剧 the policy of truly free nations which makes for peace / 走向和与真正自由的联盟的政策 vii the freedom of men 第七章 人的自由 / … ………………………………………………………………206 whether men and women will be more free in such free nations / 在这样一种自由的联盟内,是否会变得更加自由 [1] predominant partner:优先合伙人,占有支配地位的伙伴。多用于喻指英格兰在英国的重要地位。作者此处显然是指联盟中各个成员国应当等。 - 6 - the need of basing organization within the nation on localities / 在以地区为基础建立起组织的必要 the alternative organization is based on nation-wide classes and interests / 另一种组织是以范围的阶级和利益集团为基础而建立起来的 this leads inevitably to international war of classes / 这必然会导致阶级间的战争 therefore the ideal is balanced provinces within balanced nations / 因此理想的情况便是,在势力均衡的当中,各个地区的势力也保持均衡 such organization gives greatest opportunity to greatest number of men / 这种组织能够让人获得机会 cause of nationality movement / 民族运动的起因 oped to undue centralization / 反对过度集权化 fraternal nations must be balanced economically, and formed of fraternal provinces / 友好间的经济实力必须保持均衡,并由友好地区所组成 fraternity, if it is to last, depends on controlling the development of going concern / 友好关系若想持久,必须掌控各个“进行中的事业”的发展 viii tscript 第八章 后记 / … ……………………………………………………………………227 the recent general election, its meaning in a world setting / 大选及其在世界舞台上的意义 of the saving virtue of neiorliness / 关于睦邻友好这种留存下来的美德 appendix note on an incident at the quai d’orsay, 25th january, 1919 / 附 1919年1月25法国一件小事备忘………………………………231