chapter ⅰ introduction to art appreciation艺术鉴赏概论 definition of art and its appreciation(艺术的定义和欣赏) aesthetic experience(审美经验) art criticism(艺术的批评) context(创作背景) formal quality(形式的特) content(内容) creativity(创造) artistic styles(艺术的风格) judgment of art(艺术的评判) chapter ⅱ language of art-basic elements of design艺术的语汇--设计的基本元素 lines(线条) shapes and forms(面与立体的形状) texture(质感/手感) value(调/明暗关系) color(彩) mass and space(块面和空间) size and scale(大小与比例) perspective(透视) time and movement(时间和运动) chapter ⅲ language of art-principles of design艺术的语汇--设计的基本定律 unity(统一) variety(多样) balance(衡) rhythm(节奏) emphasis(强调) proportion(比例) chapter ⅳ graphic media and methods-drawing, printmaking, and photography面媒介及其方法--素描、版画制作与摄影 drawing(素描) printmaking(版画制作) art of the lens(镜头的艺术) film(电影) puter art(电脑艺术) chapter ⅴ painting and its approaches-fresco, watercolor, tempera, oil, andacrylic绘画媒介及其方法--壁画、水彩、蛋彩、油画和 fresco(壁画) watercolor(水彩) oil painting(油画) acrylics and other new materials mixed media(综合材料) the creative impulse: picasso and his guernica(格尔尼卡) chapter ⅵ 3-d art media-sculpture艺术的立体媒介--雕塑 relief and round(浮雕和圆雕) techniques of sculpture(雕塑的技法) earth art/earthworks(大地艺术) environmental/site specific art(环境艺术/场域特定艺术) sculptures driven by energy(由能量驱动的雕塑) the art of fire(火的艺术) glass(玻璃) metal(金属) folk art and crafts(民间艺术和手工艺术) chapter ⅶ 3-d art media-architecture艺术的立体媒介--建筑 classical architecture(古典建筑) gothic architecture(哥特式建筑) modern architecture(现代建筑) t-modern architecture(后现代建筑) chapter ⅷ interpreting works of art-subjects of art解读艺术作品--艺术的主题 portrait(肖像) still life(静物) nude figures(像) landscape(风景画) abstract art(抽象艺术) calligraphy(书法) chapter ⅸ understan works of art-styles of art from prehistoric to medieval艺术作品的风格--从史前到中世纪的艺术 the prehistoric art(史前艺术) cave paintings(洞窟艺术) mesopotamia(美索不达米亚) egyptian civilization(埃及文明) ancient greece(古希腊) ancient rome(古罗马) christianity and medieval europe(和中世纪的欧洲) romanesque style(罗马式风格) gothic style(哥特式风格) chapter ⅹ understan works of art-styles of art from renaissanceto baroque艺术作品的风格--从文艺复兴到巴洛克 the early renaissance(早期文艺复兴) high renaissance in italy(意大利盛期文艺复兴) the renaissance in northern europe and venice(北欧和威尼斯文艺复兴) baroque art(巴洛克艺术) baroque in the north(北方的巴洛克艺术) rococo art(洛可可艺术) chapter understan works of art-styles of art during the modern age艺术作品的风格-19.20世纪现代艺术 neoclassicism(新古典主义) romanticism(浪漫派) realism(写实主义) impressionism and t-impressionism(印象派和后印象派) the avant-garde and expressionism(先锋派和表现主义) cubism and futurism(立体主义和未来派) suprematism, constructivism, and de stijl(至上主义、构成主义和风格派) fantastic art, dada, and surrealism(怪诞艺术、达达派和超现实主义) art since 1945(1945年以来的艺术) abstract expressionism(抽象表现主义) color field painting(场/域绘画) hard-edge painting(硬边绘画) op art(欧普艺术/光效应艺术) minimalism(极简主义) pop art(波普艺术) new realism(新现实主义) conceptual art and performance(观念艺术和行为艺术) feminism and feminist art(女主义和女主义艺术) t-modernism and multiculturalism(后现代派和多元) glossary(词汇表)