preface part 1 written munication skills 1 academic writing learning objectives introduction academic writing style sentence structure spelling paragraph writing writing for exams and coursework acknowledging the source in academic writing summary 2 rea law at university learning objectives introduction rea techniques note making legal sources summary 3 writing letters, e-s and internal documents learning objectives introduction letter writing in practice structure and style writing internal documents summary 4 drafting legal documents for business learning objectives introduction drafting pany documents pany meetings and resolutions notice of general meeting drafting legal agreements summary 5 drafting for court learning objectives drafting documents for court idiomatic use of legal english recor terms of settlement summary part 2 oral munication skills 6 oral presentation skills learning objectives introduction oral presentation at university mock trials and mooting summary 7 interviewing and advising learning objectives introduction introductory stage: "ice-breaking" fact-gathering stage advice stage closing stage summary 8 negotiation learning objectives introduction why negotiate? the negotiation process conclu stage without prejudice negotiation negotiating styles and strategies recor the agreement summary 9 advocacy learning objectives introduction mencement trial advocacy application advocacy: making an application to court a civil case: choosing the correct part of speech language practice for a criminal case addressing the court: speaking techniques note taking in court advocacy practice alternative dispute resolution(adr) summary appendix: legal study and research guide glossary suggested answers to exercises
william r.makay是伦敦城市大学教授法律实践课程的讲师与很有声望的律师。同时,他也教授商业法、知识产权法与劳动法。helen e.charlton 在英国多所的语言学校教授英语。她同时为许多重要的公司中的职员教授法律英语与商业英语。grant baroum是伦敦城市大学教授学术英语与学术的讲师。除了他在英国、法国及埃及等国积攒到了的丰富经验之外,他还从事法学方面的专业笔译和译超过10年之余。