preface partl. programming in pl/sql 1. introduction to pl/sql what is pl/sql? the origins of pl/sql the early years of pl/sql improved application portability improved execution authority and transaction integrity humble beginnings, steady improvement so this is pl/sql integration with sql control and conditional logic when things go wrong about pl/sql versions oracle database 12c new pl/sql features resources for pl/sql developers the oreilly pl/sql series pl/sql on the inter some words of advice dont be in such a hurry! dont be afraid to ask for help take a creative, even radical approach 2. creating and running pl/sql code navigating the database creating and editing source code sql*plus starting up sql*plus running a sql statement running a pl/sql program running a script what is the "current directory"? other sql*plus tasks error handling in sql*plus why you will love and hate sql*plus performing essential pl/sql tasks creating a stored program executing a stored program showing stored programs managing grants and synonyms for stored programs dropping a stored program hi the source code of a stored program editing environments for pl/sql calling pl/sql from other languages c: using oracles prepiler (pro*c) java: using bc perl: using perl dbi and dbd::oracle php: using oracle extensions pl/sql server pages and where else? 3. language fundamentals pl/sql block structure anonymous blocks named blocks nested blocks scope qualify all references to variables and columns in sql statements visibility the pl/sql character set identifiers reserved words whitespace and keywords literals nulls embed single quotes inside a literal string numeric literals boolean literals the semicolon delimiter ……