introduction history of philosophy science, philosophy, and religion general classification sources of study bibliography greek philosophy philosophy of nature 1.obigin and development of early greek thouget history of greek philosophy environment politics literature religion philosophy survey of greek philosophy bibliography 2.development of pbe-sophistic philosophy 3.problem of substance thales anamander anamenes 4.problem of number pythagoraa and his school pythagorean number-theory astronomy 5.problem of change heraclitus union of opites law of reason ychology and ethics school of elea theology (xenophanes) ontalogy (parmenides) dialectics (zeno and melissus) 6.exnation of change solution of the riddle empedoclea anaxagoras atomiists problems of knowledge and conduct 7.age of the sophists progress of thought greek enlightenment sophists significance of sophistry 8.socbatics life of socrates problem of truth socratic method ethics pupils of socrates age of reconstruction to and his problem dialectics doctrine of ideas philosophy of nature paychology ethics politics toa historical ition tonic school 10.aristotle aristotles problems philosophy and the sciences logic metaphysics physics biology ychology ethics politicta peripatetic school ethical movement 11.the outlook 12.epicubeanism epicurua the problem logic metaphysics ychology ethica politics 13.stoicism zeno and his school logic metaphysics cosmology ychology ethics politics religion resume of greek ethics 14.skepticism and eclecticism skeptical school doctrines of the school later skeptics eclecticism religious movement 15.jewish-greek philosophy philosophy and religion beginnings of jewish-greek philosophy philo 16.neotonism neopythagoreaniam neotonism tinus theology three stagea of being human soul mysticism porphyry jamblichus cloae of school at athens philosophy of the middle ages rise of christian theology 17.beoinninos of chbistianity revival of religion christianity chriatianity and claasical culture scholastic philosophy bibliography 18.development of christian theolooy early theology gnostics apologists teachings of the apologists logos-doctrine free will and original sin of auoustine augustine theory of knowledge theology ychology ethics freedom of the will beginnings of scholasticism 20.dark ages new peoples beginnings of learning 21.spibit of the middle ages principle of authority problem of scholasticism characteristics of scholasticism stages of scholasticism sources of scholasticism 22.john scotus erigena faith and knowledge pantheism mysticism 23.problem of univebsals: realism and nominalism early schoolmen roscelins nominalism meaning of realism development of scholastic realism 24.anselm of canterbuby his proofs for the estence of contemporaries 25.peter abelaro and the schoolmen of the twelfth century abelard the school of chartres the sentences john of salisbury 26.mysticism and pantheism mysticism pantheism 27.symptoms of unrest opition to scholasticism organization of learning discovery of aristotle …… index