preface 1. the unclad github api curl breadcrumbs to successive api paths the javascript object notation (]son) format parsing ison from the mand line debugging switches for curl important headers following a hypermedia api authentication username and password authentication oauth status codes success (200 or 201) naughty json (400) improper json (422) successful creation (201) nothing has changed (304) github api rate limits rea your rate limits conditional requests to avoid rate limitations accessing content from the web json-p cors support specifying response content format summary 2. gists and the gist api easy code sharing gists are reitories embed gists inside html embed inside jekyll blogs gist from the mand line gists as fully functioning ap gists that render gists going deeper into the gist api using hypermedia data from octokit summary 3. github wikis with gollum "the story of smeagol..." reitory linked wilds markup and structure hacking gollum the starting point of a gollum editor programmatically handling images using the rugged library optimizing for image storage reviewing on github improving revision navigation fing linking between p pages summary 4. python and the search api search api general principles authentication result format search operators and qualifiers sorting search apis in detail reitory search code search issue search user search our example application user flow python agithub wxpython pyinstaller the code git credential helper windowing and interface github login github search disying results packaging summary 5.. and the mit status api the api raw statuses bined status creating a status lets write an app libraries development environment sen the request oauth flow status handler summary 6. ruby and jekyll learning and buil with jekyll what is jekyll? operating jekyll locally jekyll blog quick start yfm: yaml front matter jekyll markup using the jekyll mand privacy levels with jekyll themes publishing on github hosting on your own domain importing from other blogs from wordpress exporting from wordpress alternatives scraping sites into jekyll jekyll scraping tactics setting up scraping titles refinining with interactive ruby writing tests and caching writing jekyll ts using the jekyll mand-line tool master index file with liquid markup scraping body and author ad images to jekyll customizing styling (css) inviting contributions with github "fork" publishing our blog to github summary 7. android and the git data api setting up creating a jekyll blog android development tools creating a new project editing the gradle build file default android main android automated testing unit tests for our github client android ui tests application implementation code to log in to github code to talk to github writing the blog content github services the base sha from the reitory and branch creating the blob generating a tree creating the mit updating the master resource passing all our tests summary 8. coffeescript, hubot, and the activity api the activity api nning for pr satisfaction guaranteed considerations and limitations creating a vanilla hubot creating a slack account running hubot locally installation on heroku setting up heroku activity api overview writing a hubot extension code reviews via pull requests using the oauth token to register for events triggering real pull requests handling pr notifications as t requests over summary 9. javascript and the git data api buil a coffee shop database on github set up mapping hostnames ad the support libraries an angularjs application using github.js visualize application data structure making our app testable test data coffeetech.js geoco support city data ad login errors already? disying (soon-to-be) user-reported data user-contributed data accepting pull requests toward a safe login implementation authentication requires a server fing authentication with firebase testing firebase implementing firebase login summary a. github enterprise b. ruby, nodejs, (and the shell) at github index