the book “river mechanic” wa part of civl455 (a graduate coure of river engineering at the department of civil engineering queen’ univerity canada) by profeor m. . yalin and ana da ilva. thi book include four chapter: the firt chapterintroduce the baic knowledge of river morphology the econd chapter introduce the tabilization of river coure the third chapter introduce the modification of river coure the lat chapter introduce pe problem in river coure which introducethe dicipline of river dynamic in detail. the pure i to help reader undertand the development law of the river and ue it law to erve mankind or guide it to develop in a direction conducive to mankind or minimize the effect caued bychanging the natural proce of the river. thi book can be ued a a textbook for college tudent majoring in water conervancy and environment a well a a reference book for relevant reearcher or engineering technician.
戴文鸿,河海大学博士生导师,加拿大专业注册工程师。2009年作为引进人才任职为河海大学水利水电学院副教授,从事河流水沙运动及河流演变等方面的研究,负责讲授泥沙与河道整治、河流动力学、泥沙运动力学与河流演变等本科、硕士和博士课程。 戴文鸿师从泥沙与弯曲河道研究领域国际专家m. . yalin 教授和ana da ilva 教授(原著作者),长期从事弯曲河道演变及模拟研究,在加拿大queen’ univerity完成的博士:on the imulationand prediction of bed morphological adjutment of equilibrium in alluvial meandering tream(全文被加拿家图书馆收录出版,收录号为w.dai20081219;pp 215),针对冲积河流弯曲演变的机理与模拟展开了研究,归国以来陆续发表了多篇河流演变及泥沙运动方面的相关学术。 ana da ilva,加拿大女皇大学终身教授,出版了fluvial procee。