Suspenseful, deeply moving account of a horse's experiences at the hands of many owners, written as the animal's autobiography, and revealing as much about human conduct and the social ills of the time as it does about the treatment of animals. The most celebrated animal story of the 19th century. Abridged.
Written as a novelistic appeal For the humane treatment ofhorses, Black Beauty enjoyed a success far exceeding its author'sdreams. Within a few months of its publication in 1877, the bookunexpectedly became an overwhelming popular success, ulti-mately the most celebrated animal story of the 19th century andone of the most popular children's classics in the English language.
The suspenseful, deeply moving narrative tells of a horse'sexperiences at the hands of many owners from the reputableSquire Gordon to a cruel and inconsiderate cab owner. Writtenas the animal's autobiography, Black Beauty recounts the hand-some creature's descent from an animal of great breeding andvalue to a common workhorse, revealing in the process as muchabout human conduct'and the social ills of the time as it doesabont the treatment of animals. This specially abridged andnewly illustrated edition is ideal for young readers.