【图书描述】: 本书旨在解决中国考生写作方面的问题,由21天组成,每天剖析一个作文真题,详解一个应试技巧,拓宽话题,扩大核心词汇量。该书内容均精选自历年雅思考试题库。 【编辑推荐】: 《雅思倒计时 写作》特点为考试临近,不知所措?听说读写,无从下手?技巧与实力,孰重孰轻?无需犹豫,无需彷徨,《雅思倒计时》为您提供破解雅思的利器!让您的雅思备考画上完美句号! 资深专家,庖丁解牛,本系列丛书由国内知名专家基于最新的语言测试理论,集十年雅思培训与研究之精髓,针对中国考生存在的问题和困惑,历经数年精心编写,为考生提供完美高分解决方案。 步步为营,逐一突破本系列丛书共计五册,分别是《写作》、《口语》、《听力》、《阅读》和《词汇》。每个分册由21天组成,每天详解一个话题,每天解决一个难题。 临阵磨枪,实弹演练,本系列丛书内容均精选自历年雅思考试题库,让考生快速熟悉雅思各项考试的要求、题型和应试技巧。所选题材与话题极具代表性,通过考前冲刺,帮助考生做到以不变应万变。 自主学习,高效指南,本系列丛书适合各种层次雅思考生。如果您参加了各类的雅思培训班,正做冲刺准备;如果您工作、学习繁忙,无暇参加各类培训班;如果您雅思考试败北,准备再次冲击雅思难关,本系列图书将成为您短期攻克雅思的不二之选! 【内容简介】: 话题选材异常广泛,包括健康、环保、教育、科技、文化、犯罪、时尚、体育、动物权益、伦理道德、职场等热点题材;体裁多、篇幅长和难度大具体体现在60分钟内,考生不仅要完成图表作文/书信作文(150词),还需完成不少于250词的议论文;要求高指的是阅卷考官均为具有丰富经验的nadvespeakers,任何错误都逃不过他们锐利的眼睛。中国考生存在的主要问题 【作者简介】: 吴建业,著名英语语言培训专家,知名专栏作家。现任环球(雅思)国际英语学校教研部总监及金牌主讲。 多年来一直从事IELTS(雅思)、TOEFL(托福)和CET(四、六级英语)考试的应试培训和研究,具有丰富的教学经验和实战经验,授课备受推崇。几年来,先后在北京、上海、武汉、重庆、哈尔滨、大连、福州、厦门、西安、海口、合肥和太原等城市进行了近百场巡回演讲,在广大英语学习者中极具影响和号召力。在完成繁重的培训教学任务之余,笔耕不辍,先后出版了英语写作、阅读、口语、语法和词汇专著三十余部,深受读者欢迎。同时任《广州英文早报Guangzhou Mornling Post》和《亚太经济时报》专栏作者,发表专栏文章数百篇;并应邀在国内多家知名网站担任嘉宾主持。 【目录】: Day 1 Children and video games(教育类专题) Day 2 Work-related stress(健康类专题) Day 3 Animals kept in ZOOS(动物权益类专题) Day 4 Childhood obesity(健康类专题) Day 5 Job-hopping(职场类专题) Day 6 Female crime(犯罪类专题) Day 7 Boarding school(教育类专题) Day 8 Culture shock(文化类专题) Day 9 Mandatory retirement(权利类专题) Day 10 Physical inactivity(健康类专题) Day 11 School vouchers(教育类专题) Day 12 Freshwater scarcity(环保类专题) Day 13 Office romance(情感类专题) Day 14 Art funding(艺术类专题) Day 15 Carpooling(生活类专题) Day 16 Space research(科技类专题) Day 17 A pie chart and a bar graph|a complaint letter Day 18 A pie chart/an inquiry letter Day 19 A bar chart/a j ob application letter Day 20 Aflow chart/a thank-you letter Day 21 A line graph/an apology and explanation letter 参考书目 【文摘】: Sample of the thesis-led approach A number of old people work through their 70s and 80s, running families, corporations or countries. Otherpeople, however, despite being fit and high-caliber, are compelled to retire in their 60s or even earlierbecause of corporate or national regulations. As to whether one should be allowed to continue working aslong as they want or should be encouraged to step down at a particular age, people tend to hold diverseopinions. Personally, I am convinced that mandatory retirement can be a win-win option to both the societyand the old. Admittedly, allowing the aged to keep working as long as they are able does have some merits. Forexample, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be a great lossto a business or organization if they are asked to retire, and compelling someone to resign or retire at 60 or65 would devalue the input of these people. However, the truth is that letting the senior to work indefinitely is not always a wise policy. First of all, agealone is no guarantee of ability. Many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff,who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having mandatory retirementencourages new ideas in an organization. Furthermore, without age limits, many people would continue towork simply because they did not have any other plans or roles, and then fewer job openings are left forthe young. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded and respected by society for theircontribution by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure in later years.