【图书描述】: 本书共有十个单元,精读部分的编写力求新颖、实用,其文章后面配有练习,泛读部分收录的文章均有详细注解,并摘录了一些有关书写科技论文,口头科技报告方法等的短文。 【内容简介】: 《21世纪科技英语》旨在帮助大学生完成从基础英语到专业英语的过渡,从而提高其在实际生活中的英语应用能力。《21世纪科技英语》的选材以科普文章为主,内容涵盖理、工、医、农等基础类学科,同时紧扣当前科技发展的前沿成果和科研方向,是一套为理工科大学生设计的通用性强、使用面广的专业基础英语教材。本教材分上、下两册,可供一年使用。 【目录】: Unit 1 Text A Bill Gates Speech to Tsinghua University (12 December, 1997) Text B US Plans Large Funding Boost to Support Nanotechnology Boom STYLISTICS Features of EST in Style and Structure (1)
Unit 2 Text A Information Management: Definitions and Some Aspects of It Text B CGS-Unit System
Unit 3 Text A Genetic Engineering Text B Introduction to the Human Genome Project STYLISTICS Features of EST in Style and Structure(2)
Unit 4 Text A The Development of Mobile Communications in Cellular Phones Text B Practical Electric Units and the Giolgi Proposal
Unit 5 Text A How IC Products Are Made? Text B The Metric Convention STYLISTICS Grammatical Features of EST.. Modal Verbs & Post-modifiers Practice Exercise Ⅰ
Unit 6 Text A Major Research Areas in Physics Today Text B The Significance of Measurement and Its Physically Developing
Unit 7 Text A Computer Crime —— Congress vs. Computer Crime Text B The International Bureau of Weights and Measures STYLISTICS Grammatical Features of EST. Voice & Mood
Unit 8 Text A The Top 10 Innovative Products for 2006 Text B The Bioinformatics Gold Rush
Unit 9 Text A GPS Text B The Greatest Extinction Gets Greater STYLISTICS Grammatical Features of EST. Tense
Unit 10 Text A The Lamb That Roared Text B Dick Whitcomb Practice Exercise Ⅱ Key to Exercises Glossary 【文摘】: 2. For a long time, men thought that atoms were indivisible. You can break molecules down into atoms. But that, they said, is as far as you can go. You can take some of the electrons from an atom, but the core, or nucleus, of the atom is unbreakable, they explained. 3. As men pushed their studies of the atom further, however, they realized that this is untrue. For some atoms may throw off protons and change from one element to another. For instance, an atom of radium, which has 88 protons in its nucleus, may undergo spontaneous change. It will emit 6 protons in a series of steps, to change to lead. During these steps, the radium atom also emits a great deal of energy in the form of radiation and heart. Only a few elements are capable of changing to different elements in this manner. 4. On the other hand, elements can also be changed by the addition of moreprotons to their nuclei. For instance, we mentioned above that men havecreated a whole series of new elements by bombarding atoms uranium andother heavy elements with nuclear bullets. Such bombardments can also beused to "smash" atoms, or break them apart. In either case, whenever at-oms are changed, energy is released. This release of energy, of course, isthe basis of atomic energy.