Table of Contents 1. Linear Equations in Linear Algebra 1 (线性代数中的线性方程组) 2. Matrix Algebra 99 (矩阵代数) 3. Determinants 177 (行列式) 4. Vector Spaces 205 (向量空间) 5. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 287 (特征值和特征向量) 6. Orthogonality and Least Squares 357 (正交性和*小二乘方) 7. Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Forms 425 (对称矩阵和二次型) 8. The Geometry of Vector Spaces 469 (向量空间几何) Appendix: Uniqueness of the Reduced Echelon Form 531 (附录:*简阶梯矩阵的*性) Appendix: Complex Numbers 533 (附录:复数) Study Guide for Linear Equations in Linear Algebra 539 (线性代数中的线性方程组学习指南) Study Guide for Matrix Algebra 585 (矩阵代数学习指南) Study Guide for Determinants 629 (行列式学习指南) Study Guide for Vector Spaces 643 (向量空间学习指南) Study Guide for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 679 (特征值和特征向量学习指南) Study Guide for Orthogonality and Least Squares 713 (正交性和*小二乘方学习指南) Study Guide for Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Forms 741 (对称矩阵和二次型学习指南) Study Guide for The Geometry of Vector Spaces 761 (向量空间几何学习指南) Index 779 (索引)