目录 微笑·第八个瞬间——如果·月光桥彼端,心息之所Perhaps·You are at the far end of the moonlight;my heart will rest there。 微笑·第九个瞬间——如果·命运选择你,忘却忧伤Perhaps·It is my destiny to love you;I choose to forget my sorrow。 微笑·第十个瞬间——如果·迷迭爱之符,缤纷彩翼Perhaps·I am lost in love;I have kaleidoscopic wings。微笑·第十一个瞬间——如果·时间的微粒,碎片割伤Perhaps·Time is troy grams;it hurts。微笑·第十二个瞬间——如果·距离不存在,虚影流年Perhaps·There is no disttance;there is nothing in my memory。微笑·第十三个瞬间——如果·梦没有尽头,空待永远Perhaps·Dream has no end;I wait vainly for you forever。微笑·第十四个瞬间——如果·爱在梦之上,白露微凉Perhaps·Love is above my dream;the dew is cold at dawn。后记 Postscript