目录 大学 Great Learming 大学之道 Three General Headings 知止而后有定 From Abidance to Attainment 物有本末 Roots and Branches 八目 The Eight Particulars 物格而后知至 First to Last 修身为本 Self-cultivation 传 The Commentaries 传一 释明明德 Commentary Ⅰ On Expressing Clear Virtue 传二 释新民 Commentary Ⅱ On Renewing the People 传三 释止于至善 Commentary Ⅲ On Abiding in Perfect Goodness 传四 释本末 Commentary Ⅳ On Roots and Branches 传五 释格物致知 Commentary Ⅴ On Investigating Things and Extending Inderstanding 传六 释诚意 Commentary Ⅵ On Making Intentions Sincere 传七 释正心修身 Commentary Ⅶ On Ordering the Mind and Cultioating the Self 传八 释修身齐家 Commentary Ⅷ On Cultioating the Selfand Regulating the Family 传九 释齐家治国 Commentary Ⅸ On Regulating the Family and Governing the Country 传十 释治国平天下 Commentary Ⅹ On Governing the Country and Bringing Peace to the Land 附录·延伸阅读 APPENDIX Further reading 中庸 The Middle Path 中庸 Zhuxi's Preface 天命之谓性 Moderation and Harmony 君子中庸,小人反中庸 The Gentleman and the Lesser Man 中庸其至矣乎,民鲜能久矣 Long Absent 道之不行 Following the Way 道其不行矣夫 Failure of the World 舜其大知也与 Shun 人皆日予知 Wise People Practice What They Know 颜回择乎中庸 Yan Hui Choses the Middle Path 中庸不可能 Impossible 子路问“强” True Strength 素隐行怪,吾弗为之 Confucius Wouldn't Do That 君子之道,费而隐 The Simple-Minded Couple 君子以人治人 The Axe Handle 君子素其位而行 Acting the Part 君子居易以俟命 Fate 宜尔室家 The Family 鬼神之为德 Gods and Spirits 舜其大孝 Greatest Filial Virtue 无忧者,其唯文王 King Wen 孝之至 Perfect Filial Virtue 为政在人 Good Government 仁者 Beneoolence Is Human 五伦 The Five Relationships 学而知之 An Ordinary Genius 三达德 The Three Qualities 九经 The Nine Steps 豫则立,不豫则废 The Importance of Preparation 诚有道 There Is a Method 诚者天之道 Sincerity 诚之者择善而固执之 Sincerity and the Sage 人一能之已百之 Perseverance …… 论语 The Analects 孟子说 Mencius Speaks