作者简介 Roger S.Pressman 博士是软件过程改善和软件工程技术方面的国际知名的权威人士。30多年来,他作为软件工程师、管理人员、教授、作者及咨询顾问始终工作在软件工程领域。Pressman博士著有6部著作,并撰写了很多技术文章,是多种行业期刊的固定撰稿人,曾任多种行业杂志的编委,多年来一直担任引《IEEE Software》杂志的Manager专栏的编辑。Pressman博士是知名的演讲者,曾在许多行业会议上演讲,他还是美国计算机协会(ACM)、美国电气与电子工程师协会(1EEE)等组织的成员。
目录 Part I - Process 2. Process Models 3. Agile Development Part II - Modeling 4. Practice: A Generic View 5. Understanding Requirements (new chapter) 6. Requirements Modeling: Scenarios and Data (new chapter) 7. Requirements Modeling: Flow, Classes, and Behavior (new chapter) 8. Design Concepts (new chapter) 9. Architectural Design 10. Component-Level Design 11. Usability design (new chapter) 12. Pattern-based Design (new chapter) 13. WebApp Design Part III - Quality Management 14. Quality Concepts (new chapter) 15. Software reviews (new chapter) 16. Software Quality Assurance 17. Software Testing Strategies 18. Testing Methods for Conventional Software (new chapter) 19. Testing Methods for OO Software (new chapter) 20. Testing Methods for WebApps 21. Advanced Verification Methods (new chapter) 22. Software Configuration Management 23. Product Metrics Part IV - Project Management 24. Management Concepts 25. Process and Project Metrics 26. Estimation 27. Scheduling 28. Risk Management 29. Maintenance and Reengineering (new chapter) Part V-Advanced Topics 30. Software Process improvement (new chapter) 31. Emerging Trends in Software Engineering (new chapter) 32. The Road Ahead Appendix I - UML Tutorial (new) Appendix II - OO Concepts (new)