On the face of it, Ben Bradford is your standard Wall Streethot shot - Junior partner in a legal firm, 6 figure income, wifeand two young kids straight out of a Gap catalogue. But along withthe WASP lifestyle comes the sting - Ben hates it. He wants - hasalways wanted - to be a photographer. When he discovers his wife isplaying outside the ground, the conseqences of a moment of madnessforce him to question not just the design of his life but the priceof fulfiment. Because finding yourself means nothing when you'repretending to be someone else. From the picket fences of yuppie NewEngland to Montana's untouchable splendour, THE BIG PICTURE spansstates and states of mind in a thrilling novel of genuineoriginality.
Douglas Kennedy is the author of the acclaimed novel THE DEADHEART as well as three travel books. He was born in New York Cityin 1955 and is married with two children.